Excerpt from Buttafly's upcoming book titled How To Walk On Water (What It Takes To Be a Community Entreprenuer)....
You’ve heard that old lie, it takes money to make money. A lot of potential entrepreneurs, leaders and innovators have listened to this lie and have yet to compose a viable business, community organization, or venture that would have a definite impact on the community. They were told that they lacked the capital to get started. Keep in mind that they only focused on the monetary capital that may be needed to get things poppin. What about the emotional capital?
You need passion to start a business, a ministry, a nonprofit, a community organization, a movement, a cause. Wikipedia defines passion as an intense emotion, a compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. So what is the thing that you are passionate about? What is the thing that wakes your lazy butt up in the morning and lulls you back to sleep? What is that one thing that you would do for free, regardless of the monetary rewards? What is the thing that you would work for, 23 hours a day, seven days a week? Can you think of anything? If you can, I am sure that within that thing, you will find your passion.
Passion is more powerful than money. As a matter of fact, passion produces money. That’s right. Passion produces money. Let’s say that a minister has a passion for youth ministry (however she has no money). So she devises a strategy to raise money for her youth ministry. She creates a free weekly blog (which is filled with her passionate mini-sermons and community resources) and she forwards her blog to everyone on her email list, Facebook Page, and Twitter Feed. She includes a donation button via PayPal and gives folk the opportunity to donate to her ministry via PayPal. Soon enough, donations start coming in via this blog. Wow, her passion produced the funds that were needed to get her youth ministry off the ground.
Buttafly's Services For Future Entreprenuers with PASSION....