The Tongue
t. semakulaThe tongue sits in one’s mouth like a neglected apparatus; its goal is to create. There is much to say about the power of the tongue. The tongue holds soo much prowess. Think about this tongue of ours, something so small, so loose, and soo hidden. The Bible summarizes the tongue as a spark, or a catalyst that if used correctly creates an abundant life. However if it is wielded in the wrong direction, it can compose total destruction.
The tongue is soo powerful that if we are apt to speak death over ourselves, without fail, we will find ourselves void of oxygen. So why is it that very few folk heed to this bit of wisdom that graces the pages of the greatest book ever published? We speak so we are. We speak ourselves into poverty, divorce, depression, loneliness, black holes, etc. We blame our situation on outside circumstances and forget that our tongue has spat out most of our destiny.
God was the first example, as to the power of speech. As the boom of his voice formed the word light, the earth became exposed to the glorious sun, the tint of the stars , and the huge glow of the moon. We thank God everyday for the light as there is not much that can be achieved once the sun goes down. Without the light we find that darkness creates the balance between start and stop, activity and rest.
There is power in simplicity. The tongue is a simple tool that sits inside the cavity of the mouth; it sits in between two layers of teeth and is held back by our lips. James who was Jesus’s blood brother states… Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. The tongue is the rudder that stirs one’s life, it would be mindful for us to know that the tongue carries more weight than ten thousand stones and has more power than one thousand volts of electricity.
So what’s up with all this tongue talk, aren’t you an entrepreneur? Yes I am, but as one who finds herself motivating others, I feel that entrepreneurs’, socialpreneurs, ministers and revolutionaries, need to learn how to tame the tongue. How can one achieve a vision that has not been spoken? Can we speak ourselves into a vision, a business, into success? Yes we can, however we need to start with the correct tools in order to bring things into fruition. You can compose a solid business plan, proposal, or sermon, but it will all mean zilch, if you have not spoken these things into existence.
Let your tongue be the compass that leads you to success. Let it guide you to those high places that sit just a little beyond the clouds. Speak well of yourself and others. Speak to the air and tell it your dreams. Speak success to your failures and motion to those things that have stalled. Speak life to death and speak joy to pain. Speak abundance to poverty and speak salvation to the damned. Speak fairness to injustice and speak love to hate. Go ahead, speak. What did you say?
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