You can’t knock the hustle
So, how is your hustle these days? Do you have one? Are you one of those folk who make excuses as to why you don’t have time to write that book, start that business, found that ministry, or follow through on the invention that you know could make life a whole lot easier? What’s holding you back? Why have you stalled or have you started and it seems like your hustle is moving slower than a snail with a broken leg. Usually, folk associate the word hustle with street hustlers who do whatever it takes to cop a dollar. However, the word hustle is associated with swift movement, abruptness, or motion. Motion takes someone or something to a selected goal, purpose, or destination. So, where is your hustle taking you?
Hustle up some faith. Folk who make excuses, lack faith. The children of Israel wandered around in the wilderness for four decades because they lacked the faith they needed to enter the Promised Land. After God parted the red sea, sent food from the sky, and guided them by a single star at night, they still weren’t convinced that they were God’s chosen people. They lacked the courage to overlook the giants that inhabited the land that was given to them by the Almighty.
So, what has the Almighty given you? Have you made excuses, complained, or flat out retreated to the humdrum life you have always had, even after God has sent you a vision that encompassed greatness? Have you lingered in poverty, settling for government subsidies and handouts, happy to just get by? Did you forget that we serve a mighty God who created the earth and composed the framework for our minds, which we have yet had the ability to completely use. Are you satisfied with your income and the state of your community, or have you moved out in search of a better horizon? Did the Almighty give you a cause, a ministry, or a business that could provide a better life for you, your family, and your community, and you lacked the faith to carry it out?
Hustle up some order. Along with dreams, visions, and ideas, comes guidelines, plans, and instructions. Folk without order are folk without success. I have sat in meetings with many wannabe socialprenuers, entrepreneurs, and community superstars. They are quick to share the vision that has filled their hearts, yet they are slow to provide a viable plan or framework that will take their vision into fruition. They are also hesitant about about investing in their visions. Investment is not just about money, but it also equates to time, energy, courage, knowledge, and passion. How can one build a house without a frame, an engine without its parts, an essay without a rough draft, a body without the skeleton?
Hustle up some focus. I have watched many well intentioned programs and visions get sidelined due to a lack of focus. What’s wrong with being criticized for having tunnel vision? What’s wrong with staying focused on a task until you reached a goal? Focus keeps us close to our goals. If we encounter a problem or obstacle on the way to our goal, our focus will help us overcome it with knowledge and diligence. Sometimes we have to say no to others in order to reach the goal that God intended for us. No means direction, not rejection, always remember that.
Hustle up some knowledge. I had a friend who told who me that she wanted to start her own business; I asked her if she liked to read books about business, or entrepreneurs. She told me that she didn’t like to read and that she didn’t like books. She has not started a business to this day. If you want to know how to be successful, wouldn’t you want to read about it? If you don’t know how to read, learn how to. Knowledge is power and the more that you know, the better off you will be. I gave myself my own personal MBA, by reading every single book I could get my hands on about business and entrepreneurship. Weekly, I read blogs and articles related to freelancing, blogging, and consulting. I will always be a student, even though I have a master’s degree. The world is growing and changing every day. New technologies are being introduced and folk are coming up with more efficient and productive ways to get things done. Successful entrepreneurs, ministers, and community folk are also avid learners.
You can’t knock the hustle. So, it’s time that you get your hustle on. Dust off that old business plan, sermon, or idea. Stop making excuses and take a break from your humdrum life. Stop living with regrets and stop waiting for the perfect time to get started. The time is now. Come out of the wilderness and get what was promised to you. I dare yah.
So, are you ready to get your hustle on? Are you the next bestselling author, let Buttafly help you develop that book that you always wanted to write. Click here to find out more.
Don't stop the hustle!!!!!!
It's all true, thanks for reminding me in your writing.
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