Audacity fuels the mind with energy and develops its potential. Those who lack audacity become mediocre, functional, average, cowardly and retarded in their thinking. Jesus is a perfect example of an audacious thinker. Jesus had the audacity to claim that he was the Son of God. He had the audacity to walk the earth twelve deep, determined to deliver a message that was defined by hope and salvation. He had the audacity to be homeless, yet, all the while, knowing that in his father’s house there are many mansions.
Jesus was also an early proponent, as it relates to developing critical thinking skills. He thought it barbaric to answer a question with an open ended answer. He welcomed critical thinking with his numerous parables and made it clear that he had no tolerance for lazy minds. He approached simple folk with metaphors and challenged them to develop more strategic ways of applying the practicality of God’s word. The challenge that Jesus put forth to the people was one that required an audacity that was built around stretching the mind and strengthening its capacity.
Today, a less audacious population,waters down the word, and simplifies the message, in order to engage lazy minded people. Today our so-called leaders are afraid to challenge others, or if God forbid, for folk to have to the audacity to utilize their minds. World leaders, corporations, community organizations, and ministries are always on the lookout for folk who are excellent critical thinkers. These folk are key to solving complex issues and they are good at establishing effective networks and processes. These are the folk that have the audacity to use their minds.
I have always been a fan of the Prophet Elijah. I was always fascinated by his mind. I believe that God respects one who utilizes the true potential of his or her mind. Elijah’s audacity allowed his mind to be open to the word of God, this was integral to the progress of Israel and its leaders. 1 Kings 17-1-2 goes on to state…Now Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe in Gilead said to Ahab (The King of Isreal),“As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word. Elijah had the audacity to speak truth to power. God had commanded him to stand up to a leader who eventually fell, due to his own stupidity.
How audacious is your mind? Has God trusted you with the audacity to hear his word and to follow through on what he told you to do? Did you draw back in fear? It is important for our minds to be strong, because in strength, lies power.
In Dr. Gwen Washington’s upcoming book titled Inner Healing: Wounds Superficially Cured, she goes on to state… The Greek word for power is “exousia,” {which means} delegated authority and liberty to exercise the full power of attorney in all God’s interests. Complete authority to act in God’s stead as if God Himself were here doing the work; power to act as freely of his own will as one has power to eat and drink. Be yet not double minded and stay focused on what God has told you to do. You are where you are because of what your mind has conjured.
Be mindful of the thoughts that roam about in your head. The Word of God specifies in Jeremiah 31:33-34…This is the convent I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother saying, Know the Lord, because they will all know me from the least of them to the greatest….declares the Lord.
Tarsh, this is a great topic and all so true. We at Mount Hermon Baptist Church, have a great leader, Rev. Dr. Wenzell P. Jackson, who definitely has an Audacious Mind. Pastor Jackson is not affraid of speaking, sharing and teaching God's word, infact, he insists that all members be present at either Sunday School or Bible Study; bible study teachings every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Mount Hermon is located in one of the inner city communities in the Bronx; and Pastor Jackson is very much involved in the community that he is leading. Our church has grown 95%+ since he's been here. Members are joining constantly and being involved. The teachings and the word of God is being poured into our hearts and minds, and we follow Pastor Jackson because he is such a great messenger and a follower of God.
We the children of GOD! thank you for your audacious mind. Truely GOD made you in his image for only one of his own could write such an awe inspiring message,GOD continue to bless you.
Your Brother in Christ in the Ville.
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