Opportunity is what most folk strive for. At least that 's what I strive for. I strive for the opportunity to dream, give, and live. ...ts
Buttafly's Call For Workshop Proposals Spring/Winter 2009
The Opportunity to Dream

Martin Luther King had a dream, and if I summarize it correctly ...it was for all of us to live together, peacefully.
Buttafly offers a wonderful workshop titled Project Martin,that allows students to create their own discourse about Civil Rights.
Project Martin- (Exhibition Component)-Students will be engaged with a modern day Civil Rights Movement. This project will allow students to develop their own speeches about civil rights utilizing Martin Luther King's policy of non-violence. Students will create a Civil Rights gallery complete with artistic and written works. (This is a good project to do during Black History Month). To inquire about or schedule this workshop click here.
The Dream Curriculum
The D.R.E.A.M. Curriculum is an educational program, that clearly lays out the road map for youth to set their own goals and take action to achieve them. It's easy to follow and easy to remember with its 5 Step/10 Lesson curriculum. D.R.E.A.M. uses a two-pronged approach, having the students set both a Community Dream as well as a Personal Dream, in order to show that the D.R.E.A.M. approach can be applied to any situation... Michael Davis & Fabian Koss Co-Founders, Reach Your Peak (The Dream Curriculum)
Learn more about the Dream Curriculum
Learn more about the Dream Curriculum

The Nata Village Blog is a wonderful example of how a blog can serve as a catalyst for giving and social change.

The Opportunity To Live
The Life Skills Curriculum
"National Urban Technology Center"
In our society, teens routinely witness shootings on the evening news and see their heroes and celebrities, like Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G., being gunned down. They often think that violence is the only way that people can handle disputes. This module aims to stem the rising tide of aggression by providing awareness and tools to resolve conflicts non-violently.
Access the "Life Skills Curriculum"
Live Yah Life!!!!

Listen To Rihanna and T.I.'s Live Yah Life
Come check out T.Semakula at the following Open Mic
Sweetwater's Open Mic hosted by Michael Ralph and Dedee
at Sweetwater's Bar & Grill
Sunday Afternoon from 2:30PM-5:00PM 2576 Third Ave (at 139th St), Bronx
at Sweetwater's Bar & Grill
Sunday Afternoon from 2:30PM-5:00PM 2576 Third Ave (at 139th St), Bronx
November 23
A supportive venue for developing artists of music and the spoken word. Dare to be yourself!
#6 Train to 138th & 3rd Ave
#6 Train to 138th & 3rd Ave
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