---James D Wolfensohn, former chairman of The Kennedy Center
This post is dedicated to the youth who inspire arts education. We kick off this dedication with a special Ode to Celeste! Celeste, an amazing, inspirational ,creative, fourteen year old whose talents are only measured by the Hello Kitty stickers that cover up the front of her composition notebook. After Generation X, came Generation Ipod and Generation Myspace. With this generation, Celeste was raised, nourished, and guided. Celeste, who has amassed a friends arsenal of eight-hundred plus on her myspace, a collection of favorite photographs on photobucket, and a blog that expounds on the daily triumphs and grunts of a teen who sports pink Nikes with fat white and black laces.

Interview with Celeste aka Cece
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Shoes: Jordans
Favorite Song: Stay In Love by Mariah Carey
Favorite Subject : Reading
Philosophy : Live ya life to the fullest!
Favorite saying: Shut up Doodie
Whatcha wanna be when yur grow up: A lawyer
Current Hustle- Vice President of Online Marketing, Web Page Design, and Correspondence for Buttafly Communications
Where yer like ta hang:
River Park Towers is a fun place to be. We call River Park Towers R.P.T for short. I have mad fun over there in the R.P.T neighborhood. My bestie is Vanessa. Me and Vanessa have a great friendship. We have mad fun when I’m there....We get live over there in the R.P.T Getting live means dancing. When I go over at R.P.T, I gets live . I am the livest person over at R.P.T
Getting Live in NYC !
Check out this video as Bizzy B and Smoove battle to see who is the best at getting live in NYC!
Goin home
by T. Semakula
I am goin home to no museums, cafes, bookstores, or creative outlets.
only to walls painted with tags by invisible spray paint artists
only to those who hip hop habitate
only to the sermons of the Baptist reverends, who whoop inside
swaying churches
only to the young folk who "get live" on the neighborhood sidewalks
their limbs, swaying against the tide
What's on Cece's Blackberry Pearl?

16 @ War by Karina
Cece's Bookshelf
Celeste the Eclectic!

Buttafly pays homage to those eclectic students who follow their own paths via a workshop we call, The Eclectic Writer's Workshop.
The Eclectic Writer’s Workshop- Get your students ideas on the page! Be it narrative... expository...creative... In this workshop, students will float through various genres, allowing the writing process to set the foundation for their compositions. In the end, they’ll have an established portfolio that they can do with as they please. To schedule or inquire about this workshop please click here.
Cece's Side Hustles

Cece's Blog
Cece's Artwork

Title: The View Outside My Window/ Highbridge, Bronx
Medium- Pencil Sketch/Microsoft Drawing Tools
Cece's Photobucket Photogs

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