Love, a consistent concerto trudging through the metro alley

a constellation
a constellation
of metro amazons
womb keepers
hovering over the secret codes
embedded in
moldy slave quilts
save me lawd
from my need to give love/On Saturday mornins/to poet laden Negrops
from my need fo red knee level dresses, afro picks, and rastas
from the psalms of the metro
sees's I believes in Gawd
and black folks who wear Afros
and youths who pants sag more than their allegiance to Tupac and Biggie
and syllables rhythmically timed to word revolts
and skin blacker than Mrs. Katie's pupils
yes'm jee sus here are saints
who fell ova dead negras
who put brown suga and butta in they oats
who steer shiny blue caddies
who barbecue rib slabs behind urban shacks
oh my save yah, I wud die
fo the pain of laid out folk
fo the one's who shows them how to act
fo them peoples who try to be as they should
fo the love of you
point mis s ing
contingent cunning
love for the thought
of being love touched
by the ultimate
I's need that spuka spark
to float on up
Mr. man e ess
cap the strength
the condition relentless
pursuing constantly
that desired privelege of choca women
The Peace Writer’s Workshop- (Exhibition Component) Have your students ever started their own Peace Campaigns? With this workshop, your students can take a stand on the issues that are affecting world peace. They’ll explore ways that they can use their writing to affect change, and hopefully, present effective solutions to some of the problems that keep peace from within their reach. So if your students are rebels, revolutionaries, or just plain old Joes, now is the time to let their voices become known. Power to the people! To schedule or inquire about this workshop click here
Buttafly's Call For Workshop Proposals Winter/Spring 2009
the temple builders
who built the temple
that held up centuries
of busted cavities
polished the altar
where women worshipped
the lies of safety
sutured the offerings
where hearts lay open
for constant intrusion
paid the tithes
that subsidized the whorehouse ministries
put jasmines in the baptismal ponds
where flowers float instead of flourish
sang the wimbos of praise
exalting the rape of bridesmaids
All poetry copywritten by Tarsha Semakula
1 comment:
NICE...I was reading them over and over because they were DOPE!!! Girl I need you to write for me!!! LOL!
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